If you would like to become a member of Baywater Anglers then we would love to hear from you. Just print out this page and fill in the application form. When you have finished, send it to Baywater Anglers, 31 Collapark, Totnes, Devon, TQ9 5LW please and pay your subscription by BACS transfer. (Account Martyn Green, Sort Code 07 - 12 - 26, Account Number 01970399). Please note change of account number and, unfortunately, name. I reluctantly closed the old club account when Lloyds Bank introduced charges that would have cost the club ten members' subscriptions a year. This way, the club still enjoys free banking and we get a better rate of interest too.
Name: |
Address: |
Age: |
Date of Birth (If under
18): |
Individual Membership: £10 Senior, £3 Junior
Please Note:
Membership applications from children of primary school age will only be accepted as part of a family membership. The main reason for this is down to health and safety considerations. While we are quite happy to teach children how to fish, we believe that they will feel safer and more secure with a parent or guardian present.
It is also our belief that children will have more opportunities to develop their skills if other members of their family are involved in the club.
Student Membership (Aged 16 - 17): £5.00
Name: |
Address: |
Age: |
Date of Birth: |
School: |
Husband & Wife (Partner) or Family Membership: £15.00
Family membership is set at the same rate as that for husband and wife (or partner). Basically this means that any children of 15 or under receive free membership.
Child or Children's Name(s) (Must
be 15 or Under)
Age |
Date of Birth |
Telephone Number: ___________________ Mobile: __________________
Telephone Number: ___________________ Mobile: __________________
Telephone Number: ___________________ Mobile: __________________
Baywater Anglers - Application Form
It is really important that we have an email address for you. Please enter it below.